Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Spears' mother takes one for the team

It's blantantly obvious that Britney Spears is a walking disaster. She is the modern day Bumble Bee character that we all see on the Simpsons show. Just think about it: she's always in a costume (which she cleverly designed as herself) and everything she does is followed by one of three quotes: “¡Ay, ay, ay, no me gusta!” (“I don’t like it!”), “¡Ay, ay, ay, no es bueno!” (“That’s not good!”) and “¡Ay, Dios no me ama!” (“God doesn’t love me!”). Nothing seems to go right for this woman - sometimes you laugh at the insane comedy behind her drama while other times you pity her. What is going on with her camp - where's her PA, PR, manager, and team? Someone has to point out that her life is looking ugly..... someone has to take the blame because Brit doesn't know any better. Certainly someone has: Mommy Dearest. Lynne Spears sat with Life & Style and had this to say "For everything that's gone wrong for Britney, I blame myself............................ I didn't raise my children to have hollywood careers. This all just exploded in my face, and big dreams became big headaches."

Okay, you've acknowledged that there's a problem, took one for the team, but how are you going to rectify this woman's life? I'll tell you how: Start by monitoring her friends, behavior, alcohol and place her in a 1-year manditory counseling and parenting program. Mothers should know best right!!?!?!

“Ay, un gato malodoro!"

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